Empowering Creatives: Insights from a Music Industry Product Manager

As a passionate product manager in the music industry, I believe that empowering creatives to turn their passion into a fulfilling career is crucial. In this blog, I share my thoughts on how we can build a sustainable and fair music environment for artists to thrive in.

Empowering Creatives: Insights from a Music Industry Product Manager
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As a product manager in the music industry, my greatest passion is helping creatives find sustainable ways to monetize their art. If I could use my expertise to answer any question about the universe, it would be how artists can make a sustainable income in 2023 and beyond.

Role and Responsibilities

For those unfamiliar with my role, I help creatives in the music space develop businesses by working smarter, not harder. My focus is developing a strategy for brand campaigns, releases, and online presence while also mentoring as they grow. I’ve also provided creative business and startup consultations to do the same. Essentially, I empower artists by turning their passion into a viable career to support their art long-term.

Building a Sustainable and Fair Music Environment

If I could go back in time and give advice to the first practitioners of music industry product management, it would be to build sustainably and fairly. The music industry has seen its fair share of unsavory business practices, but I believe that we can create a better future if we prioritize fairness and sustainability in everything we do. Giving back to the community and supporting emerging artists is the way we can sustain the music industry while still keeping up with technology and innovations.

Balancing Work and Fun

As for the weekend, my schedule is quite flexible. Sometimes, I spend time traveling, going on activities and day trips, and other times I would unwind with friends and catch up. Despite my hectic schedule, I think it's important to make time for fun activities and relaxation.

Passing on the Baton of Knowledge

Finally, I cannot stress enough how crucial passing on the baton of knowledge is in the music industry. Helping artists is not just my purpose and duty, but it is also what drives me to get out of bed every morning. Empowering the next generation of creatives and providing them with the tools and resources to succeed is a key part of my work. Without them, the music industry would not thrive, which is why I prioritize mentorship as part of my role.


In conclusion, my role as a music industry product manager is about empowering creatives to turn their passion into a fulfilling career. It's about building a sustainable and fair music environment for artists to thrive in in the future. With a focus on smart work, fair practice, and mentorship, I'm eager to continue making a positive impact in the music industry in the years to come.

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Written by

Nikki Camilleri
Nikki Camilleri

Head of Music & Media | A&R | Founder | Creative Mentor